Taking responsible actions for our environment.
We take responsible actions
The health of our business is integral to our future, so we’re organised and focused. This enables us to invest time, energy and money in people – our own, in the communities in which we work, and in the wider world.

Environmentally responsible
Environmental considerations are at the heart of our business. We go further to reduce our impact on the environment by ensuring we reduce congestion resulting from highway improvements.
This means we have a positive impact on society by creating social value and being sensitive to environmental considerations.
Net Zero Strategy
Our Net Zero strategy is structured around seven goals. These will enable delivery of both our near-and long-term scope 1, 2 and 3 targets.
The first five goals support achievement of our scope 1 and 2 near- and long- term reduction targets. The final two goals support achievement of our long-term net zero targets with a focus specifically on supplier engagement and neutralising our impact.
Our Seven Net Zero goals:
1. Reducing our travel
2. Improving the efficiency of our vehicle fleet
3. Enabling low carbon transport by our employees
4. Pioneering new innovations
5. Integrating carbon reduction throughout the business
6. Collaborating with our customers and supply chain
7. Neutralising our impact

Improving energy efficiency
We strive to put initiatives in place to improve sustainability in all that we do.
This includes the use of SRL solar-powered temporary traffic lights and new technology to avoid unnecessary travel. When we do travel, we operate low-emission vehicles where possible.
Supporting community initiatives
We recognise that we have the means to have a positive impact on people’s lives.
We support a wide range of community initiatives and worthwhile causes through our social value activities. We actively encourage our employees to support their communities by reaching out and finding new ways to help.
Carbon footprint reduction

reduction in our carbon footprint (on a revenue intensity basis).

Let’s work together